Ranbir Kapoor

Yellow Star

Explore the magic of 'Animal' starring Ranbir Kapoor, a cinematic masterpiece that redefined English filmmaking. Immerse yourself in drama, mystery and unexpected twists.

Prepare yourself for the triumphant return of Ranbir Kapoor to the big screen, promising an unforgettable cinematic experience.

Ranbir Kapoor's Spectacular Comeback

Immerse yourself in the world of 'Animal', a groundbreaking film that takes English cinema to unprecedented heights.

A Cinematic Marvel in English Filmmaking

Uncover layers of intrigue and mystery as 'Animal' takes you on an emotional rollercoaster through its compelling narrative.

Drama, Mystery,The Unpredictable

Witness the genius of English filmmaking as the director weaves a story that challenges norms and captivates your imagination.

Directorial Brilliance: English Style

Know how Ranbir Kapoor embraces English storytelling with ease and adds a unique flavor to the charisma of the film.

Ranbir Kapoor: The English Connection

From stunning visuals to a gripping script that keeps you engaged, discover the magic that went into the making of 'Animals'.

Behind the Scenes Magic

'Animal' promises a rollercoaster of emotions with love stories, betrayals and twists that redefine the essence of drama.

Love, Betrayal, and Unexpected Twists

Meet the brilliant cast who bring 'Animals' to life, showcasing the caliber of English actors in a cinematic masterpiece.

A Stellar Cast Redefining English Cinema

Let the soul-stirring English soundtrack resonate with your emotions, enhancing every scene and making the experience unforgettable.

Soul-Stirring English Soundtrack

Join the discussion of 'Animal' as it sets its sights on the Oscars, marking a milestone for English cinema globally.

Awards Buzz: 'Animal' on the Oscar Radar

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